Conference on PIC in Turkey

Third Regional Conference on Public Internal Financial Control - Ankara, 4-6 June 2013

Publikováno: 18.6.2013

Autor: Lukáš Wagenknecht

Téma: Články, komentáře a prohlášení Vnitřní řídící a kontrolní systém ve veřejné správě

The objective of the Third Regional PIFC Conference for EU Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries is to boost the development of PIFC in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey by providing participants with good practices for the implementation of the financial management and control pillar of PIFC.

Whereas the previous Regional PIFC Conferences discussed in general the three PIFC pillars, Financial Management and Control (FMC), Internal Audit (IA) and a Central Harmonisation Unit (CHU), the SIGMA assessments have found the FMC pillar to be lagging behind the IA pillar, even in those countries where FMC managers have been appointed.

It was decided therefore that FMC should be the main focus of the third conference to help identify the impediments that are causing FMC to lag behind. The Conference will provide participants with both the opportunity to share experiences, ask questions or challenge conclusions and also the opportunity to meet informally to compare national experiences and discuss specific issues among peers.   The Conference is supported by the European Commission’s DG Budget PIFC Unit.

Documents relative to this event will be made available shortly.